
Showing posts from September, 2019
How Disney utilizes its assets to promote, distribute and exchange their films. Disney is a global entertainment conglomerate which makes films for the mass entertainment market very successfully. Their biggest film was Avengers End Game which brought in a revenue of 2.8 billion dollars; just over taking Star Wars the force awakens which received a revenue of 2.06 billion dollars. The company owns 36% of the US film market and is able to do so through the owning of other businesses such as Pixar, 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm. This makes the company an entertainment conglomerate which extends their business portfolio, allowing them to create bigger brand image and generate more profit. Disney uses vertical integration, which allows them to avoid cash loss as they are able to own and control each part of the production scale. This allows them to become a bigger business as they are keeping their costs low so are therefore able to generate a bigger profit. This also allows for Disn
Armani writing task How is media language used to build representations of gender in this still image? This image encodes stereotypical messages about gender, with the male character being shown to appear more dominant than the female which is an idea shown by Liesbet van Zoonan in the Feminist Theory. We are able to connotate that through the use of the positions of the models, with the male looking directly into the camera whilst the female is faced away from the camera,whilst having her eyes closed and head tilted downwards, suggesting she is vulnerable and the male contains a stronger persona. This is a use of semiology by Roland Barthes as the confident facial expression and position the male model is in is a symbolic code for masculinity which shows the product to be aimed at men as it is a sterotypical view for men to be masculine. The use of the female looking vulnerable also suggests to the male target audience that women will be appealed to men who wear that fragrance, al
Research Who was the original target audience for Minecraft? 5 - 15 year olds How does Minecraft Spread? There was no money spent on advertising, the company relied on word of mouth between gamers and other sites. Why is Jenkins a useful theorist to know for analysing Minecraft? Jenkins created a Fandom theory which features a key note that ' if its not spread, it's dead' which is relevant to Minecraft because Minecraft become popular through the word of mouth and has a strong fanbase. Using Minecraft as an example, what is the significance of specialised audiences, including niche and fan, to the success of the game? Mincraft has a mass audience as it is played by a variety of people. This mass audience allows for the game to be successful as it means it will appeal to a large amount of people. Due to it having a mass audience, this allows for word of mouth about the game to be spread easier which was helpful to the company as they had no money in advertising the g
Semiology: Roland Barthes Semiology = study of signs. Signs = a word, image, sound Denotation = literal meaning Connotations =  thoughts and feelings associated with the denotation. Its the deeper meaning. Symbolic codes = Images that symbolise something such as a red heart symbolises love. Semantic codes = Have hidden meanings such as red and black are associated with horror. Proairetic codes = signifies something is going to happen e.g A man pulling a gun out of a pocket shows that the man is going to kill someone. Enigma codes = mysterious parts of media which makes people want to read or watch on e.g  A newspaper cover featuring the phrase 'Read on to find out what this means for us' Cultural code = parts of media that you are only going to understand if you are part of that culture 
Camera angles High angle Canted angle Low angle Bird's eye view  Eye level


Hello, my name is Hattie. My favourite film is 'Pitch Perfect' because it includes loads of songs which make you feel good and the cast make the film hilarious. My favourite series is 'Friends' because it tells the story of a developing friendship between characters whilst being funny, yet having an element of drama to it. My favourite music video is 'Sugar' by Maroon 5 because it features the band turning up to different weddings and surprising the bride and groom along with their guests. This creates happiness for all involved which all allows the user to also feel that happiness. The newspaper I am most likely to read is the metro as it is unbiased and is a general newspaper showing political and entertainment information.