Armani writing task
How is media language used to build representations of gender in this still image?
This image encodes stereotypical messages about gender, with the male character being shown to appear more dominant than the female which is an idea shown by Liesbet van Zoonan in the Feminist Theory. We are able to connotate that through the use of the positions of the models, with the male looking directly into the camera whilst the female is faced away from the camera,whilst having her eyes closed and head tilted downwards, suggesting she is vulnerable and the male contains a stronger persona. This is a use of semiology by Roland Barthes as the confident facial expression and position the male model is in is a symbolic code for masculinity which shows the product to be aimed at men as it is a sterotypical view for men to be masculine. The use of the female looking vulnerable also suggests to the male target audience that women will be appealed to men who wear that fragrance, allowing the fragrance to become more desirable. 

The use of the male model wearing a fine dinning suit allows for him to be seen as having a high status and suggests that the fragrance is aimed at an audience who are in a seek of a high social class, which allows for the product to have a desirable status. It may be aimed at 'The aspirer' pyschometric audience profile as they seek status and you may gain it if you purchase this luxury product. The same social status can be connotated from the setting of the advert as in the scene the models are stood in a room over looking the city, which may reflect their high social superiority over the rest of the city which may be a sematic code (as suggested by Roland Barthes) that white men can hold a lot of power. 

Perhaps the most significant element of mise en scene in building the representation of  superior male gender ideas is the use of colour. The male model only features the shades black and white which suggests a classy, sophisticated nature yet the female features the colour red on her lips which suggest she carries a more daring and sexual nature to the man which contrasts her vulnerable looking position; this may be seen as an encoded message as suggested by Stuart Hall in the Reception Theory. The woman first appears vulnerable but as you look closer she may be more daring. This portrays the suggestion that the woman could carry a risky influence on the man which will therefor attract a 'The struggler' type of psychometric audience profile as they are risk takers and more daring.


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