How Disney utilizes its assets to promote, distribute and exchange their films.

Disney is a global entertainment conglomerate which makes films for the mass entertainment market very successfully. Their biggest film was Avengers End Game which brought in a revenue of 2.8 billion dollars; just over taking Star Wars the force awakens which received a revenue of 2.06 billion dollars. The company owns 36% of the US film market and is able to do so through the owning of other businesses such as Pixar, 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm. This makes the company an entertainment conglomerate which extends their business portfolio, allowing them to create bigger brand image and generate more profit.

Disney uses vertical integration, which allows them to avoid cash loss as they are able to own and control each part of the production scale. This allows them to become a bigger business as they are keeping their costs low so are therefore able to generate a bigger profit. This also allows for Disney to keep control of the business as they are able to make all the decisions themselves in the production process rather than needing to use other companies to promote, distribute and exchange their films.

Disney is currently generating a lot of profit through its use of rebooting films which is a theory suggested by Hesmondhaglh. Hesmondhaglh suggests that industries rely on repetition so they can sell formats to audiences. Disney have embraced this theory with doing reboots of popular films such as the lion king, Aladdin and The Jungle Book. They have been successful with generating a lot of profit for the company but have faced criticism as been seen as uncreative. Disney has being accused of 'having no new ideas' which is also part of the theory suggested by Hesmondhaglh.

Synergy has been used to promote the new films. For the Lion King, McDonald's offered customers exclusive movie toys in their happy meals, which helped promote the film. Pandora is another company who promoted the film through their use of a new jewellery range inspired by the Lion King.


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