Who was the original target audience for Minecraft?
5 - 15 year olds
How does Minecraft Spread?
There was no money spent on advertising, the company relied on word of mouth between gamers and other sites.
Why is Jenkins a useful theorist to know for analysing Minecraft?
Jenkins created a Fandom theory which features a key note that ' if its not spread, it's dead' which is relevant to Minecraft because Minecraft become popular through the word of mouth and has a strong fanbase.
Using Minecraft as an example, what is the significance of specialised audiences, including niche and fan, to the success of the game?
Mincraft has a mass audience as it is played by a variety of people. This mass audience allows for the game to be successful as it means it will appeal to a large amount of people. Due to it having a mass audience, this allows for word of mouth about the game to be spread easier which was helpful to the company as they had no money in advertising the game. The spread of word of mouth allowed for the game to be discovered by more people and therefor increase in success.
Why is stranger things so successful?
It was something unique that hadn't been made before and featured a range of media techniques to keep the viewers engaged so they would enjoy the show and spread it around.
Key Terms
Niche: A specific audience that has a low variety of people.
Mass: A wider more broad audience that includes a bigger variety of people.
Effects Model:The theory that the media controls what you see and what you take in, you don't have a choice on this.
Uses and gratifications: The theory that the audience have a choice of what media they view and what they take in.
Rubicam Profile: A psychometric method of categorisation specific to advertising.
ABC1: The highest three social groups in categrorisation.
Fandom: Communities built around a common interest
Spreadable: Distribution of information on media platforms.


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