
Showing posts from February, 2021

Music videos lesson 3- 25/02/21

 Emeli Sande- Heaven Mini Quiz Written on the glass is 'fear your only God' The mother feeds her baby a bottle of milk. The most frequent shot type is a close up. 'Will you try to leave me or give me one more try again' The lighter handed over is orange. Interpretations of scenes I think that this long shot of Emeli stood with a cathedral in the background is suggesting that religion is there to help people. It is always there in the background in case you need help and guidance. I have this interpretation due to the camera angel with the cathedral being in the background rather than closer up, therefore suggesting it takes a more subtle part of life. The use of Emeli being outside in all black and looking up to the sky suggests that she has sins in which she needs to confess and is appealing to God and religion for help. I think that this close up of a young girl in a car is suggesting that the girl is curious and ambitious. I have this interpretation due to the girl l

Music videos lesson 2- 24/02/21

  Key terminology Cross cutting:  An editing technique most often used to establish action occurring at the same time. Close Up : A camera shot that tightly frames a person or object often to allow us to see in great detail. Tracking shot : A shot where the camera follows backward, forward or moves alongside the object being recorded. Low angle:  A shot from a camera angel positioned anywhere below the eye line, pointing upwards, often to make the object seem more imposing.  Rule of thirds:  A type of composition in which an image is divided evenly into three, both horizontally and vertically, and the subject of the image is placed at the intersection of those dividing lines to attract our gaze. Dissolve:  A gradual transition from one image to another. Juxtaposition:  Two things being seen or placed closed together with contrasting effect. Fade:  When the scene gradually turns to one colour (often black or white) to signal the end of a scene. Jump cut:  A piece of footage being remove

Radio 1 Lesson 1- 24/02/21

 RADIO 1 all stars live lounge video features a range of artists singing from their homes to promote staying at home. BBC Radio 1 is the most subscribed to radio station on YouTube with 7.18 million subscribers. 3 million followers on BBC Radio 1 Twitter. Greg James now hosts 5 days a week and changed from 6:30 start to 7am-10:30am due to lockdown as life has changed with people not working. Between 80-90% of people listen to the radio at least once each week. 4.8 million listened to the radio 1 breakfast show weekly at the end of 2019. Don't have statistics for 2020 due to covid and the statistics team not being able to work. USP of BBC breakfast show: No external adverts, audience interaction, 10 minute takeover, interviews with celebrities  Licence fee is £157.50 The BBC have received bad publicity about the license fee such as man with only one eye still being made to pay the full price. Greg James uses his Twitter to promote the BBC and shows that he is on. 

Music Video revision- 23/02

 Star image/brand image: The overall impression of a celebrity or brand. It is constructed to allow for it to be perceived a certain way by the audience. Music videos need to be interesting to appeal to viewers and therefore cause the song to be more successful.  Narrative theories- Todrov: equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. Strauss: Binary opposites. Hozier- Take me to Church Main point of the video shows the discrimination the LGBT community still faces  Shows how the church is still not accepting of the LGBT community  Shows he is a socially conscious artist and stands up for what he believes in and is willing to speak out against injustice. This construct is created in the video by the use of media language:  Camera Work:  - Close up of the men kissing which shows the strong relationship they have which is what causes all the events in the video.  Mise-en-scene: - The use of fire being shown in the first shot symbolises an element of danger which sets the atmosphere for

Minecraft- 8/02/21

70s and 80s start of big gaming culture  2009 start of Minecraft  2011 Minecraft synergise with Sony on the Sony xperia smartphone to expand outside of their niche audience 2014 Microsoft purchase Minecraft  2021 Release of realms+ subscription service. Minecraft most successful game of all time.

The Big Issue Essay question

 Explain why magazines outside the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations. Refer to The Big Issue in your answer. (10 marks) The Big Issue, is a street magazine with a niche audience of socially aware ABC1 readers. The audience consists of this highly educated readership group as The Big Issue often uses a lot of intertextuality and portrays alternative representations which audiences will only understand if they are socially and culturally aware. The Big Issue offers these alternative representations due to its ideologies and the mission of the organisation as a whole. The Big Issue was initially set up in 1991 by John Bird in a response to the rising levels of homelessness in London. He wanted to help people actively change their lives therefore he set up the magazine where vendors could buy it at half the price and then keep the money in which they make. The magazine has since been a success, with more than 200 million copies being sold which has helped transfor

Minecraft question- 03/02/21

 Explain the significance of economic factors in the gaming industry. Use Minecraft to support your answer (15) Economic factors are very significant within the gaming industry. As technology has evolved, games have had to evolve too, which has required a lot of financial investment to be required to allow for the innovation of games.  This is evident in the game 'Minecraft' which has evolved as the industry has changed. The creator of Minecraft, Markus 'Notch' Persson initially released 'cave game' in 2009 which was attractive to people who liked to code and design gaming worlds. Once it started to take off, Persson and his company Mojang Studios, then re-released it as an updated format 'Minecraft'. The game was still very basic as it had very simple graphics which allowed for costs to be low as well as allowing the game to be easily customized by users. This meant that it had a very niche audience of coders and programmers as they enjoyed the customiz

The Big Issue- 03/02/21

 How Covid-19 has affected The Big Issue Recently, many articles have been written in The Big Issue which relate to Covid-19 and how it has impacted different members of society. Such as:  ' Disabled Brits on benefits go without food and other essentials during pandemic'.  ' Explosion of Covid cases recorded among London's homeless in January' 'It feels like we're being forgotten: young people on the impact of Covid'  'How low income families have been affected during the pandemic'  These articles highlight how The Big Issue looks at many people within society as it tries to improve the lives for as many people as possible.  Covid-19 has also meant that street vendors were unable to sell to the public therefore The Big Issue has worked to created digital versions as well as an app to ensure that they are still able to generate revenue for the magazine to continue to run and provide money to vendors. The magazine is now also being sold in supermar

The Big Issue- 02/02/21

The front cover follows the typical house style of The Big Issue as it uses bright and bold colours. It also only uses a few colours (yellow, pink and white) which is common of The Big Issue as this allows for the front cover to stand out and the colours to be really impacting. The use of a large title on the page is also a common feature of The Big Issue along with the use of only one image on the front cover. This allows for the reader's attention to be directed to the title and the image which emphasizes the significance of them.  The central image is of the London Landmark 'Big Ben'. In the image, Big Ben appears to be breaking which may represent The Big Issue's message that the old stereotype, negative ideologies of traditional Britain need to be broken down and a better more democratic society needs to be built.  The phrase ' rebuild democracy' shows The Big Issue's views that they don't like how the country is currently ran and they want this to