The Big Issue- 02/02/21

  1. The front cover follows the typical house style of The Big Issue as it uses bright and bold colours. It also only uses a few colours (yellow, pink and white) which is common of The Big Issue as this allows for the front cover to stand out and the colours to be really impacting. The use of a large title on the page is also a common feature of The Big Issue along with the use of only one image on the front cover. This allows for the reader's attention to be directed to the title and the image which emphasizes the significance of them. 
  2. The central image is of the London Landmark 'Big Ben'. In the image, Big Ben appears to be breaking which may represent The Big Issue's message that the old stereotype, negative ideologies of traditional Britain need to be broken down and a better more democratic society needs to be built. 
  3. The phrase ' rebuild democracy' shows The Big Issue's views that they don't like how the country is currently ran and they want this to change. It highlights their liberal ideologies of a free society and people having more rights. 
  4. They make politics such a big issue as the aim of the magazine is to look out for people in society as they want for society to become more equal and poverty to be dismantled therefore they need to look at how things are run in order to try and achieve these aims. This leads to them typically being critical of politics.
  5. I would expect these coverlines to appear on the cover of The Big Issue as the magazine focuses on improving society and helping people improve the world and these coverlines reinforce this ideology. 

Explain why magazines outside of the commercial mainstream construct alternative representations. Refer to The Big Issue. (10)

  • Alternative representations are shown as they have different ideologies and viewpoints to mainstream media magazines.
  • The BI focuses more on helping society and narrowing the gap between the advantaged and the more disadvantages within society whereas mainstream magazines such as Women's Health focuses on issues which are not as relevant to the whole of society such as 'how to lose arm fat'. This leads to The Big Issue representing different people and different issues as they want to get their message across in order to help society. 
  • The BI also represents people in a more positive way and contrasts typical stereotypes in order to put across it's different ideologies. 


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