Music videos lesson 3- 25/02/21

 Emeli Sande- Heaven

Mini Quiz

  1. Written on the glass is 'fear your only God'
  2. The mother feeds her baby a bottle of milk.
  3. The most frequent shot type is a close up.
  4. 'Will you try to leave me or give me one more try again'
  5. The lighter handed over is orange.
Interpretations of scenes

I think that this long shot of Emeli stood with a cathedral in the background is suggesting that religion is there to help people. It is always there in the background in case you need help and guidance. I have this interpretation due to the camera angel with the cathedral being in the background rather than closer up, therefore suggesting it takes a more subtle part of life. The use of Emeli being outside in all black and looking up to the sky suggests that she has sins in which she needs to confess and is appealing to God and religion for help.

I think that this close up of a young girl in a car is suggesting that the girl is curious and ambitious. I have this interpretation due to the girl looking out of the car at the outside world which suggests she is curious as to what is going on. This may represent the ambition that young people have within society and the hope they have until they see the evil within the world- as suggested by the lyrics within the song. The use of the girl being out in daylight suggests positivity and optimism.

I think that the clothing and jewellery that Emeli is wearing in this scene have associations with religion. The use of her wearing black suggests negativity but this is contrast by her white hair- therefore suggesting the battle of good and evil in which she faces and this message is also reflected within the song. The necklaces she is wearing may also have religious connotations as it is common for priests to wear a cross around their neck and Emeli may be mimicking that but with an urban twist of it being cosmetic jewellery instead- showing societies adaptation of religion. 

The figure in the background carrying a cross could be represented as a figure within society reminding us that religion is always there to help us if we need it. The use of it being in the background creates the impression that religion is always there in the background of our lives. By having this scene in the middle of a London street shows how religion affects a wide range of people.

I think that the repeated close ups of angels suggests that there is always some good and hope within society. It provides a reminder that there is light and that we should respect religion. The use of showing the angels as close ups allows for the audience to really take notice of them and start to think about religion. 

I think that the sound/ editing blend on this lyric 'Oh heaven, oh heaven' whilst she is sat in a bus stop suggests that anyone can call to religion for help whenever they need it, they don't need to be in a church. The use of Emeli still wearing black and out at night in rain suggests that she is being faced with evil and needs the help of religion.

Shot 6 of Emeli in bus stop (2.26 mins- 2:35) 

This scene is cross cut with may other scenes. It first starts with an image of a young boy on a set of stairs, then to Emeli in the bus stop, followed by an image of a man smoking, then an image of a man in a field with angel wings tattooed on his back, then back to Emeli in the bus stop. The effects of this editing choice is to show many people in society and the ideas of good and evil and how they appeal for help. The young boy on the stairs looks as if he is appealing for help and needs good people to help him, which is what Emeli also looks to be doing. This is then contrast by the man who is smoking who appears to be trying to get his 'help' from drugs. The man in the field with tattooed angel wings appears to be appealing to nature for his help. These visuals work with the lyrics as Emeli is appealing to Heaven by saying 'oh Heaven' which may suggest that each of these people shown are needing spiritual help.


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