Music Video revision- 23/02

 Star image/brand image: The overall impression of a celebrity or brand. It is constructed to allow for it to be perceived a certain way by the audience.

Music videos need to be interesting to appeal to viewers and therefore cause the song to be more successful. 

Narrative theories- Todrov: equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. Strauss: Binary opposites.

Hozier- Take me to Church

  • Main point of the video shows the discrimination the LGBT community still faces 
  • Shows how the church is still not accepting of the LGBT community 
  • Shows he is a socially conscious artist and stands up for what he believes in and is willing to speak out against injustice.
  • This construct is created in the video by the use of media language: 
Camera Work: 

- Close up of the men kissing which shows the strong relationship they have which is what causes all the events in the video. 


- The use of fire being shown in the first shot symbolises an element of danger which sets the atmosphere for the video. 

- The men are out together in nature which shows that it is a natural and alright thing to be gay.

-The homophobic men are wearing scarves as masks and appear as a 'cult' which may represent homophobic societies


- Fast editing between different people and places which shows an element of panic 

Oasis- Stand By me 

  • The narrative was interesting as at the beginning, you believe that there are lots of crimes going on and there is lots of evil. As the video continues, it is actually revealed that they weren't crimes but in fact acts of good to protect people. 
  • The media language used to construct these narratives includes close ups of arguments, scared facial expressions and the use of quick actions.
  • This shows how what you first think, may not always be right.
  • This helps build Oasis's brand image as they appear to be a rebellious band but are in fact nice men.
Final Task- Take me to Church

  1. The star image of Hozier created is that he is very socially conscious and isn't afraid to raise awareness of inequalities within society in order to have them corrected. He is an Irish singer and Ireland still faces issues of discrimination by their catholic church towards the LGBT community. Through the video Hozier shows that this needs to be changed.
  2. The Music video engages and entertains the audience due to its fast paced editing as there is a lot of action within the video between the gay men and the homophobic people who are after them. The use of the fast pace editing within the video engages the audience to carry on watching to see the outcome. 
  3. The music video does explore big ideas about society as there is still a lot of discrimination around the LGBT community and this video shows that. It shows the hard lives that gay men have due to unaccepting people within society.
  4. The core audience of this video are heterosexuals as this video aims to make them realise how hard the LGBT community has it and therefore encourages people to be more accepting of sexualities which will decrease discrimination.
  5. This video would be shared because of its strong message that it has as it links sexuality and the church. People might share it to raise awareness of the discrimination that the LGBT community faces and that this needs to change.


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