Radio 1 Lesson 1- 24/02/21

 RADIO 1 all stars live lounge video features a range of artists singing from their homes to promote staying at home.

BBC Radio 1 is the most subscribed to radio station on YouTube with 7.18 million subscribers.

3 million followers on BBC Radio 1 Twitter.

Greg James now hosts 5 days a week and changed from 6:30 start to 7am-10:30am due to lockdown as life has changed with people not working.

Between 80-90% of people listen to the radio at least once each week.

4.8 million listened to the radio 1 breakfast show weekly at the end of 2019. Don't have statistics for 2020 due to covid and the statistics team not being able to work.

USP of BBC breakfast show: No external adverts, audience interaction, 10 minute takeover, interviews with celebrities 

Licence fee is £157.50

The BBC have received bad publicity about the license fee such as man with only one eye still being made to pay the full price.

Greg James uses his Twitter to promote the BBC and shows that he is on. 


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