
Showing posts from January, 2020

Stranger Things (Camera work)

Camera work in Stranger Things Tracking pan shot towards the door As the scientist is running through the corridoor, it is a reverse tracking shot Lots of extreme close ups of the boys playing the game Low angle shot of Will in shed showing he is vulnerable Types of Camera shots Establishing shots- Establishing a place. Normally first shot. Normally wide. Mid Shot- Chest upwards. Can have multiple people in shot Close up- Allows for reactions to be shown. Extreme Close up- Normally on eyes. Shows emotion Master shot- key protagonists in the frame at the same time. Can be long or mid shot. Over the shoulder- Normally a conversation High Angle- Shows vulnerability of characters Low Angle- Shows power of characters Point of View- The point of view of someone Dutch angle/canted angle- camera on one side shows upset in story telling Dolly Zoom/hitchcock zoom- The background becomes closer whilst the individuals stay the same to show the importance of the individuals. 

Stranger Things (Mis en scene)

Mis en Scene in Stranger Things Key Features of Mis en Scene Makeup Positioning Setting Props Lighting

Stranger Things (sounds)

Sound in Stranger Things Crickets at the start- showing peace and tranquillity  Sound match between sprinklers and demogorgan  Quiet, quiet.. bang (horror movie convention) Types of sounds Diegetic sound - Sound in the film, the characters can hear it Non- diegetic - Sound outside the film, the characters can't hear it e.g background music Sound effects - Sounds other than music Ambient Sound - Background sound to create atmosphere Dialogue - Characters talking Voiceover - Non-diegetic speech, often a narrator or character addressing the audience directly. Mode/direct of address - How the text producer addresses the audience  Incidental music - Music which accompanies an event often to heighten drama Sound perspective - Refers to the sense of a sound's perspective in a space, if the character is far away the sound will be quieter.  Sound bridge - soundtrack continues on to next scene

Stranger Things (1980s context)

The 1980s USA Rise of yuppies  Cable goes mainstream- more affordable Spread of HIV/AIDS- gained official recognition in 1981 Developments in space program Crack cocaine hit the streets Tense relationships with Iran  1981 Tax cuts Electronic innovations- Nintendo Pollution- crude oil spill Release of Michael Jackson's Thriller  ET hits theatre Assassination of John Lennon  Cold War ends Top 10 grossing films of the 1980s ET Star Wars Return of the Jedi Star Wars The Empire Strikes back Batman Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Ghostbusters Beverly Hills Cop Back to the future

The Rise of Netflix (podcast)

The Rise of Netfilx (Podcast) Netflix created by 2 men in California: Marc Randolph, Reed Hastings. Reed had borrowed Apollo 13 and had forgotten to give it back so was fined and thought of creating a home entertainment system where people can watch films without worrying to take it back. Came up with the idea of choosing online what you want to watch and the DVD would be delivered to you and you send it back once you're done- Netflix They offered Blockbuster a 49% share of Netflix for $50 million which they denied.  In 2000, Netflix on set to do $3 million whilst Blockbuster on set to do £6 billion. Netflix had 100 employees whilst Blockbuster had 60 thousand.  In 2013, Netflix made its own series of a series well known  'House of Cards' and this is when Netflix started becoming big. They had previ
Newspaper re-do

The big issue house style

The Big issue House style  The masthead of the magazines moves around The magazine normally features a main image of a celebrity, It has no other images than the main image. They use a range of colours overall but stick to only a few per magazine. Experiment with fonts and cartoons Doesn't have a strict style Generally uncluttered These variations connote idiosyncrasy, liveliness, and lack of pretense.

Magazine industry
