Stranger Things (sounds)

Sound in Stranger Things
  • Crickets at the start- showing peace and tranquillity 
  • Sound match between sprinklers and demogorgan 
  • Quiet, quiet.. bang (horror movie convention)
Types of sounds
Diegetic sound- Sound in the film, the characters can hear it
Non- diegetic- Sound outside the film, the characters can't hear it e.g background music
Sound effects- Sounds other than music
Ambient Sound- Background sound to create atmosphere
Dialogue- Characters talking
Voiceover- Non-diegetic speech, often a narrator or character addressing the audience directly.
Mode/direct of address- How the text producer addresses the audience 
Incidental music- Music which accompanies an event often to heighten drama
Sound perspective- Refers to the sense of a sound's perspective in a space, if the character is far away the sound will be quieter. 
Sound bridge- soundtrack continues on to next scene


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