Stranger Things (1980s context)

The 1980s USA
  • Rise of yuppies 
  • Cable goes mainstream- more affordable
  • Spread of HIV/AIDS- gained official recognition in 1981
  • Developments in space program
  • Crack cocaine hit the streets
  • Tense relationships with Iran 
  • 1981 Tax cuts
  • Electronic innovations- Nintendo
  • Pollution- crude oil spill
  • Release of Michael Jackson's Thriller 
  • ET hits theatre
  • Assassination of John Lennon 
  • Cold War ends
Top 10 grossing films of the 1980s
  • ET
  • Star Wars Return of the Jedi
  • Star Wars The Empire Strikes back
  • Batman
  • Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Ghostbusters
  • Beverly Hills Cop
  • Back to the future


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