Stranger Things (Camera work)

Camera work in Stranger Things
  • Tracking pan shot towards the door
  • As the scientist is running through the corridoor, it is a reverse tracking shot
  • Lots of extreme close ups of the boys playing the game
  • Low angle shot of Will in shed showing he is vulnerable

Types of Camera shots
  • Establishing shots- Establishing a place. Normally first shot. Normally wide.
  • Mid Shot- Chest upwards. Can have multiple people in shot
  • Close up- Allows for reactions to be shown.
  • Extreme Close up- Normally on eyes. Shows emotion
  • Master shot- key protagonists in the frame at the same time. Can be long or mid shot.
  • Over the shoulder- Normally a conversation
  • High Angle- Shows vulnerability of characters
  • Low Angle- Shows power of characters
  • Point of View- The point of view of someone
  • Dutch angle/canted angle- camera on one side shows upset in story telling
  • Dolly Zoom/hitchcock zoom- The background becomes closer whilst the individuals stay the same to show the importance of the individuals. 
  • Long Take- One shot that looks as if its been taken in one take- can't see where the cuts are which makes you feel like you are part of the action.


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