
Showing posts from June, 2020

Radio 1- End of year question

Explain how popular music radio programmes target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences. Refer to The BBC Radio One Breakfast Show to support your answer. [15] It is increasingly harder for popular music radio programmes to target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences due to changes in audience wants and needs. A RAJAR survey for the first quarter of 2020 showed that the 3 most popular commercial radio stations suffered a decrease in listeners which may be due to new digital streaming services which are strong competitors to radio stations. Commercial stations such as Smooth, Heart and Capital (owned by Global) will be affected by not being able to maintain an audience as they need high listening figures in order to have advertisers want to advertise on their station and generate money. A way that commercial radio stations try to target, reach and maintain audiences is through  cash give-aways. This will encourage more people to listen as they want a chance to win the money

Jungle Book - End of year question

Explain how changes in production and/or distribution methods have affected the film industry. Refer to Disney’s 1967 and 2016 versions of The Jungle Book to support your answer. In your answer you must consider how historical and economic contexts influence the production and/or distribution of mainstream films. Changes in production and distribution methods have affected the film industry in many ways which have allowed it to develop over the years. Historical and economic contexts have had a big influence on production and distribution as advancements in technology have effected the methods of production and distribution. For example, the film industry has advanced from physical distribution of DVDs and film strips to digital distribution of being able to stream content. Disney is part of the 'Big 5' film companies which means that it has a big budget to use for the production and distribution of films and this allows the company to have access to the newest technologies s

Unseen ad- End of year question

How far are viewpoints and ideologies communicated by the media language used in adverts? Refer to  Source B  to support your answer.   In your answer you must: -explain how media language is used to create ideologies - Make judgements and reach conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of media language to create viewpoints and ideologies . (15 marks) Advertisers use a range of media language techniques to communicate their viewpoints and ideologies in an attempt to appeal to an audience. These media language techniques will either conform or subvert typical advert conventions depending on which market the advert is for. This use of subverting or conforming to typical conventions through media language used, allows for the brand to communicate their viewpoints and ideologies.  Armani communicates their viewpoint that 'armani code' will make women attracted to men. The scent is shown to be aimed at men through the use of having the male model's face

The Big Issue- end of year question

[ Blurb]There has been huge focus on Westminster’s success in effectively ending mass rough sleeping since the coronavirus crisis began. The government has promised that no one will be thrown back on to the street as restrictions are eased – but there could be another emergency looming. Some 500,000 people in precarious financial circumstances could be about to go over the homelessness cliff edge.  Explain how meanings are established through intertextuality. Refer to source A in your answer.  In your answer you must: analyse how media representations are constructed in  Source A  through intertextuality. (10 marks) Magazines generally convey their values and attitudes through their house style, front cover and signifying features. Intertextuality may be used amongst the magazines to help represent these values and attitudes in an engaging  and interesting way. Mainstream magazines may use obvious intertextuality to appeal to their mass audience whilst niche magazines

Music Videos Revision- 18/06/2020

Quiz Burn The Witch uses intertextuality as the narrative of the music video has similarities and references to the film 'The Wicker man'. The visual display of the music video is also similar to the style of the Trumpton trilogy which were popular children's TV shows.  Emeli Sande's song Heaven was released in 2011. Radio Head released the song Burn The Witch. Burn The Witch can be found on the album 'A Moon Shaped Pool' Jake Nava produced the music video for Heaven. He was a high profile director who had worked with A- class celebrities such as Beyonce, Kanye West and Alicia Keys.  Emeli Sande- Heaven  What are the big ideas or messages being shared in this video? It is harder to live a good and pure life in today's society as there are many temptations and bad influences.  Young people grow up really fast and are influenced by what they see around them.  Each person's heaven is very personal and influences their deci

Unseen Ad question

Explain how viewpoints and ideologies are communicated by the media language used in adverts. Refer to the unseen advert by Gucci Memoir to support your answer. (10)  The advert by Gucci Memoir communicates many viewpoints and ideologies through the media language used. Media language is important in adverts to try and persuade the viewer to purchase the product therefore designers have to think carefully about the viewpoints in which they want to represent to the audience through the media language in which they will see. Gucci Memoir has presented media language to showcase viewpoints and ideologies about naturalism. Thoughts about naturalism can be seen in the advert through a range of media language features such as the hair and makeup of the model in the top right. The model has very little makeup on and her hair appears to have had little effort given to it, therefore showing her as natural. This naturalism of a female model subverts typical perfume adverts as

Minecraft paragraph 11/06/2020

Minecraft was able to be digitally convergent due to it being made using Java. By being available on multiple devices such as PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U and later available on mobile platforms (to meet the change in technology and change in consumers), this opened the game up to new markets of profitability and increased exposure to new and existing audiences. Digital convergence allowed for the game to be successful with an average of 179 million copies of the game sold as of 2019. As well as digital convergence, the simplistic, rule-less nature of the game allowed for success amongst the audience as this encouraged a maximum appeal across a range of audiences.This allowed for audiences to have freedom in this sandbox game as they were able to customise the game to some degree which made the audience involved in production. This helped to reduce piracy and allowed users to enjoy the game, therefore adding to its success. The ability to customise was then shown on YouTube as fans mad

Radio 1 question

How has changing patterns of audience consumption affected radio? Refer to the BBC 1 Breakfast show to support your answer. (15) The way that audiences consume radio has changed over the years and this has had an impact on radio.The RAJAR statistics for the first quarter of 2020 show that the number of listeners to breakfast stations has decreased which may be due to new needs and wants amongst the population. This decrease in listeners will have a greater financial affect on privatised radio station companies such as Global who owns Capital FM and Absolute Radio as well as many others. Due to Global generating its revenue from commercial advertising, if listener volume is decreasing, less businesses may want to advertise using radio and therefore harm Global. The number of listeners doesn't have as great of financial impact on public radio stations such as the BBC which owns 11 national radio brands. Instead of commercial advertising, the BBC generates its revenue from TV licens

BBC Radio 1 question plan- 2/6/2020

Explain how popular music radio programmes target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences. Refer to The BBC Radio One Breakfast Show to support your answer. (15) PLAN Macro  Answer the question- who are the audience?  Maintain audience with show's content  Economic and cultural contexts  Conclude  WHAT I COULD INCLUDE FOR MACRO: UK radio industry is dominated by private and public radio stations- Private is dominated by Global who owns stations such as Capital  FM and Absolute Radio. Public is dominated by BBC who owns 11 national radio brands.  BBC public service broadcaster. Funded through TV license.  Due to BBC being a PSB they need to meet OFCOM's requirements such as nurturing UK talent, addressing social issues and educating their audiences.  Rethain values: Inform, educate, entertain.  Due to BBC not being profit driven like commercial radio stations, it must maintain audiences without doing traditional commercial methods- they can't give away b