Unseen ad- End of year question

  1. How far are viewpoints and ideologies communicated by the media language used in adverts? Refer to Source B to support your answer. 
  2.  In your answer you must:
  3. -explain how media language is used to create ideologies
  4. - Make judgements and reach conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of media language to create viewpoints and ideologies . (15 marks)
Advertisers use a range of media language techniques to communicate their viewpoints and ideologies in an attempt to appeal to an audience. These media language techniques will either conform or subvert typical advert conventions depending on which market the advert is for. This use of subverting or conforming to typical conventions through media language used, allows for the brand to communicate their viewpoints and ideologies. 

Armani communicates their viewpoint that 'armani code' will make women attracted to men. The scent is shown to be aimed at men through the use of having the male model's face fully shown in contrast to only part of the woman's. This positioning of the models represents the importance and dominance of the male model and therefore signifies that the brand focus is on the male market. The media language technique of positioning is also significant in the brand communicating their ideologies that this scent will make the wearer attractive towards women as the female is shown to be draped over the male which suggests that she is lustful for him and finds him irresistible. The woman's only item of clothing is a bra which creates connotations of their being a sexual relationship between her and the male which again helps the brand communicate the message that the scent will attract women. The use of the slogan on the advert shows the brand voicing their ideologies to the male audience that this scent will make you 'seductive' to women as the slogan says 'ultimate code of seduction' which emphasises the sex appeal of the scent as the brand has created this ideology that the scent will help you attract any woman you want. By Armani using media language to create their viewpoint and ideology that this scent will help attract women, men therefore may be attracted to this scent as the advert is presenting ideologies that some men may desire. 

Armani also communicates their viewpoint that 'armani code' is sophisticated and will allow for men to feel confident and risky. This viewpoint is created through the media language tool of the colour pallet used. The whole advert is a dark tone created from black, white and grey which creates the idea that the product is very sophisticated as these are colours associated with sophistication. Dark tones are also associated with night which creates connotations that the male may be a risk taker as night is usually when secret or risky activities take place therefore implying the male might be enjoying a secretive and sexual night life. The use of the title of the scent featuring the word 'code' suggests that the brand may be implying that the scent metaphorically provides you with a 'secret code' to allow you into this attractive, sophisticated and glamorous lifestyle as suggested by the model. 

Armani uses media language to create the ideology that 'armani code' will provide the male wearer will power and status. This is suggested by the positioning of the male model as he has a hand placed upon the lady's arm which may be authoritative and portrays that he is in control of their sexual relationship. The male model's gaze is on the product which causes viewers of the advert to draw their attention to the product. The use of having the model present his gaze towards the product suggests that Armani are showing how much this model loves the scent as well as the lifestyle he has gained with it and suggest that the target audience will also love this to. The power and status of the male is reflected in his outfit as he is wearing a suit which signifies that he is important and is involved with business. This may be Armani showing that the scent can be used by any normal business men and will allow them to gain power and status- creating a desirable lifestyle. The use of the title of the perfume 'armani code' containing no capital letters also allows  power and status to be created as grammar laws have been broken which allow the effect of rebellion to be created by the brand which reflects the effect the scent will have on the male audience. 

Overall, I believe that the media language used has been very effective to create viewpoints and ideologies of the brand Armani and the expectations from wearing their scent. The media language has been conventional of a perfume advert targeting a male audience as it has focused on the scent making men desirable towards women. The media language used in this advert creates the effect that the perfume will allow men to have a desirable lifestyle, be able to attract women and gain power and status- all features which will appeal to the stereotypical man that has been created in this advert. 


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