Unseen Ad question

Gucci's new perfume ad, fronted by Harry Styles, is subverting an ...

Explain how viewpoints and ideologies are communicated by the media language used in adverts. Refer to the unseen advert by Gucci Memoir to support your answer. (10) 

The advert by Gucci Memoir communicates many viewpoints and ideologies through the media language used. Media language is important in adverts to try and persuade the viewer to purchase the product therefore designers have to think carefully about the viewpoints in which they want to represent to the audience through the media language in which they will see.

Gucci Memoir has presented media language to showcase viewpoints and ideologies about naturalism. Thoughts about naturalism can be seen in the advert through a range of media language features such as the hair and makeup of the model in the top right. The model has very little makeup on and her hair appears to have had little effort given to it, therefore showing her as natural. This naturalism of a female model subverts typical perfume adverts as models are usually presented as very glamorous and 'unnatural' due to the heavy use of hair-styling and makeup. Gucci Memoir may have wanted to show naturalism to reflect that normal and natural people can use the product, you don't have to be very glamorous like models in other adverts. Naturalism is also presented again in the advert through the lighting in the main image of all models sat together. The location is very natural due to it being in nature and next to some ruins which appear to contain a lot of history. The lighting is from the sun and is very soft which connotates that it is later on in the day. This natural location and lighting is very different to conventional perfume adverts as they are typically in modern studios lit by lighting equipment such as ring lights. This viewpoint of Gucci Memoir showing naturalism may be the perfume showing that it is different to typical perfumes and brings something new to the market.

The use of different camera angles in the advert by Gucci Memoir may represent the different viewpoints and ideologies of the models which reflect different people in society. There are close up images of the models at the top of the advert along with a strip of mid shot images of Harry Styles towards the right of the image. The close up images show the models each as individuals with different personalities which may be Gucci Memoir reflecting their broad target audience as the scent is for both men and women. These close up images are then met with a wide shot of the models sat together. The wide shot allows the audience to be able to view all of the models as they appear united with a friendship like feel which may represent Gucci's ideology of the perfume being inclusive. The use of the range of camera shots may reflect the viewpoint of Gucci showing their perfume to have a personal affect to each user but also enabling the user to feel included and accepted amongst society since the scent is for a mass audience.

Gucci has been an established brand for a long time and is considered to be well respected by many generations and this reputation and age is shown amongst the media language used to reflect the viewpoints of the brand and the ideologies it has created. The age is shown through the use of having black and white images on the advert as black and white images were conventionally used in the past due to technology not being available. These black and white images of the models on the top of the advert are constructed to look old through the use of the props used by the models, the poses and the overall colour of the images. These older looking images are contrasted by the strip of images of Harry Styles due to his poses, clothing and attitude appearing to relate to more recent images.This contrast of old and young appearing images may be to show the old and new viewpoints of Gucci as they have had to adapt to meet new audience requirements over the years. It may also represent the old ideologies of the well established brand being shown in a new way.

Overall, viewpoints and ideologies of Gucci Memoir are communicated through the use of media language. Gucci Memoir is shown to have viewpoints on naturalism, society and cultural progression which are all shown in the advert and reflect the intended audience they are targeting as a brand.


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