Minecraft paragraph 11/06/2020

Minecraft was able to be digitally convergent due to it being made using Java. By being available on multiple devices such as PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U and later available on mobile platforms (to meet the change in technology and change in consumers), this opened the game up to new markets of profitability and increased exposure to new and existing audiences. Digital convergence allowed for the game to be successful with an average of 179 million copies of the game sold as of 2019. As well as digital convergence, the simplistic, rule-less nature of the game allowed for success amongst the audience as this encouraged a maximum appeal across a range of audiences.This allowed for audiences to have freedom in this sandbox game as they were able to customise the game to some degree which made the audience involved in production. This helped to reduce piracy and allowed users to enjoy the game, therefore adding to its success. The ability to customise was then shown on YouTube as fans made YouTube videos to talk about Minecraft- which again added to the game's success.

Questions this paragraph could be used for: 

Explain the impact of  digitally convergent media platforms on a video games' production, distribution and circulation.

Explain how audiences can interact with video game producers to become actively engaged in media production.

Explain how media producers in the video game industry attract and potentially construct audiences.

Explain how Mojang used digital technology in the production, distribution and circulation.


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