
Showing posts from March, 2020

Audience theorists and Stranger Things

Fandom- Henry Jenkins Key Ideas: Believes that fans play a key role in the media. Textual poaching: audiences taking a media product and remaking it or reworking it to create their own meaning (fan fiction)  Spreadable media New media has accelerated participatory culture in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers Jenkins applies to Stranger Things The series has a strong fan base. Fans often create negotiated readings of the text Fans have done textual poaching Fans have helped in the marketing process as fan art was shared by official Stranger Things accounts. An example of textual poaching that someone has carried out is a video named 'Classic Barb: a stranger Things spin off' which features a 1 minute video focused on the character of Barb and highlights how in the show she was a background character but this video uses that and makes her a central character. This helps Stranger Things as it shows clips from th

Stranger Things Audience

Audience of Stranger Things I think that a mixture of each social grade will watch Stranger Things as it is poly-generic so has elements to entertain everyone. I think that people of a higher social grade may enjoy the show more as it contains elements of super-natural and complex concepts which they may enjoy since they have a higher qualification level. I think that the Young and Rubicam audience profile which will enjoy Stranger Things the most is 'the explorer' as they seek discovery and enjoy new things and Stranger Things features a lot of discovery and supernatural elements. Another audience profile in which I think will enjoy Stranger Things is 'the mainstreamer' as ST features a lot of intertextual references and 'the mainstreamer' likes tried and trusted things so by Stranger Things having elements which have been done before they will know it will be good. Uses and gratification. Identity- Teenagers may be able to discover who they are and wha

Theorists and Newspapers


Representations in the Killing

Gender and The Killing 'Representations in media are often simplistic and reinforce dominant ideologies so that audiences can make sense of them'  Based on Episode 1, how far do you agree with this statement in relation to how men and women are represented in The Killing?  I don't agree with this statement in relation to how men and women are represented in The Killing as The Killing challenges stereotypical ideologies and has complex characters. For example, Sarah Lund is first seen as the stereotypical objectified woman as suggested by van Zoonen as she is first seen wearing her fiance's top and shows some flesh. Lund then goes on to become a counter type to her previous 'dependant' looking self as she is then shown as a strong, professional police officer which shows her to have a complex representation and challenging ways in which people think of women.  The episode does feature typical ideologies which are common in the media as Nana is a vulner