Representations in the Killing

Gender and The Killing
'Representations in media are often simplistic and reinforce dominant ideologies so that audiences can make sense of them' 

Based on Episode 1, how far do you agree with this statement in relation to how men and women are represented in The Killing? 

I don't agree with this statement in relation to how men and women are represented in The Killing as The Killing challenges stereotypical ideologies and has complex characters. For example, Sarah Lund is first seen as the stereotypical objectified woman as suggested by van Zoonen as she is first seen wearing her fiance's top and shows some flesh. Lund then goes on to become a counter type to her previous 'dependant' looking self as she is then shown as a strong, professional police officer which shows her to have a complex representation and challenging ways in which people think of women.  The episode does feature typical ideologies which are common in the media as Nana is a vulnerable girl who is brutally killed which we later find out in the series that she was killed by a man and this enforces beliefs by van Zoonen that we live in a society where men have more power than women. The representations of men in The Killing are complex as it turns out the men running in the election campaign are corrupt where as men are believed to be honest and professional. The typical ideology of men being the 'bread winners' is shown in The Killing as Theis goes out and makes money whilst his wife stays at home. Also when it is revealed that Nana has gone missing, Theis makes his wife stay home whilst he goes out and searches for their daughter-showing typical masculinity traits.

Representations of characters in the opening of The Killing
Sarah Lund: Caring towards her fiance, worrier- a sudden up, eats nicorette gum. Brave as goes to investigate alone, liked by colleagues

Nanna Birk Larsen: Vulnerable,

Male characters: Lund's fiance: very caring, loves her. Meyer: Doesn't take work seriously- has a basket ball net up and a football. Male colleagues: Care about her.

Dominant ideologies (regrading gender)
Dominant ideologies challenged
  • A girl is the victim and is wearing little clothing. 
  • Lund depends upon partner as she is wearing his top and shows flesh.
  • Male dominant workforce.
  • Pernille is a stay at home mother whilst husband works.
  • Lund is a strong female police officer.

Pernille and Theis

Do they challenge or reinforce gender stereotypes?

  • Theis working man, Pernille at home mother- stereotypical
  • Pernille calls Theis to come fix the dishwasher, dependant on him and his manual labour-stereotypical 


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