Audience theorists and Stranger Things

Fandom- Henry Jenkins
Key Ideas:
  • Believes that fans play a key role in the media.
  • Textual poaching: audiences taking a media product and remaking it or reworking it to create their own meaning (fan fiction) 
  • Spreadable media
  • New media has accelerated participatory culture in which audiences are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers
Jenkins applies to Stranger Things
  • The series has a strong fan base.
  • Fans often create negotiated readings of the text
  • Fans have done textual poaching
  • Fans have helped in the marketing process as fan art was shared by official Stranger Things accounts.
  • An example of textual poaching that someone has carried out is a video named 'Classic Barb: a stranger Things spin off' which features a 1 minute video focused on the character of Barb and highlights how in the show she was a background character but this video uses that and makes her a central character. This helps Stranger Things as it shows clips from the show so people will see and may be interested in watching the series. 

End of an audience- Clay shirky
Key Ideas: 
  • Passive audience: people who mindlessly watch or read without having to really think or do anything.
  • Active audience: Interact with the media
  • Thinks that passive audiences no longer exist and we are now more of an active audience due to technology
  • New media: Media which is created by the individual, not traditional media
  • Audiences are embracing new media through the internet
  • Audiences enjoy speaking back to produces as are able to now which breaks down the hierarchy of producer to consumer
Shirky applies to Stranger Things 
  • Fans have interacted with the cast of Stranger Things through social media.
  • Fans write online what they think about the series and create their own media.


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