
Showing posts from November, 2019

Facts about The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book The Jungle Book 1967 Budget $4 million Gross: $205 million worldwide Germany's highest grossing film of all time Disney's The Sword in The stone 1963 didn't do very well so Walt Disney was more hands on for the making of The Jungle Book. Disney thought first version of the script was too dark for the family audiences so took control and changed production team. Backgrounds hand painted with exception of the water fall Filmed on a multiplane camera to create a notion of depth. Created on transparent cells which were originally fixed onto register pegs and this way various layers of images could be shot at once and backgrounds didn't need repainted each time. Buena Vista was the distribution arm of Disney films Rated U Had to go to the cinema to watch The Jungle Book 2016 Budget: $175 million Gross: $966.6 worldwide   Received $103.6 million in opening weekend  Animals created digitally post production  5th highest grossing film o

Creating Newspapers

Creating a Newspaper Tabloid The tabloid newspaper I decided to create is the Daily Mirror. To emphasise that it is a tabloid, I made sure to have a red top on it. The masthead is in big white letters which is a feature of the Daily Mirror. I included a fake story on a claim that 'burnt toast can give you cancer' as tabloid newspapers often share health stories to try and engage their audience. I put the title of this story over an image as tabloid papers feature many images and are often eye-catching. I then included a fake celebrity story about the popular show 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here'. I included a celebrity story as the C2, D, E audiences of tabloid papers enjoy stories that feature 'gossip' so the paper I have created would appeal to them. I used a black background with white and yellow font to make this story stand out and when I conducted my research I found that the Daily Mirror often has this feature on their front page. I had t
News Assessment Review Area's I need to Improve: I need to include other factors along with the one that is in the question as the question begins with 'how far' which suggests a debate needs to be made. I need more analysis of the differences rather than just identifying them. I need to explain why the paper's have them features and the effect of them. I need to compare the papers more in my answer so I can show the similarities and differences on a better scale. I also need to include more terminology.  Redraft paragraph The headline on Source A is 'Fury over EU still deciding our fate'. The headline uses sensationalised language such as 'fury' which is a clear feature of the mid market genre as it tells stories in an exaggerated way in order to attract its C2, D,E audience group. This is different to source B who's headline is 'Splits in cabinet and number 10 over an election before brexit is sealed'.Source B's