News Assessment Review

Area's I need to Improve:
  • I need to include other factors along with the one that is in the question as the question begins with 'how far' which suggests a debate needs to be made.
  • I need more analysis of the differences rather than just identifying them. I need to explain why the paper's have them features and the effect of them.
  • I need to compare the papers more in my answer so I can show the similarities and differences on a better scale.
  • I also need to include more terminology. 
Redraft paragraph

The headline on Source A is 'Fury over EU still deciding our fate'. The headline uses sensationalised language such as 'fury' which is a clear feature of the mid market genre as it tells stories in an exaggerated way in order to attract its C2, D,E audience group. This is different to source B who's headline is 'Splits in cabinet and number 10 over an election before brexit is sealed'.Source B's headline is just facts rather than exaggerating what has happened- allowing it to show it is clearly part of the broadsheet genre as it reports 'event over emotion' which attracts a A, B, C1 audience group. Along with representing the genre of these newspapers, the reason they have these headlines could be due to their political leaning. Source A (Daily Express) is thought  to be right wing along with having views of the political party UKIP. This is shown in their headline which links to the Stuart Hall 'othering' theory by the use of the collective pronoun 'our'. The headline shows the EU and Britain to be different and creates an 'us vs them' approach which is suggested in Hall's theory. This links to the views of the political party of UKIP as they are well-known for being 'anti-immigration' and want the UK to be independent. Source B (The Daily Telegraph) is thought to be a Right Wing paper. This is shown through its headline as it isn't making the story sound horrific therefor showing support for the Conservative party, as if it was a left-wing paper reporting this story it would use harsher language towards the Conservative Party to reflect its political backing. This shows that although genre is a big influence on media language in newspapers, their political leaning is also a big factor.  


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