Creating Newspapers

Creating a Newspaper

The tabloid newspaper I decided to create is the Daily Mirror. To emphasise that it is a tabloid, I made sure to have a red top on it. The masthead is in big white letters which is a feature of the Daily Mirror. I included a fake story on a claim that 'burnt toast can give you cancer' as tabloid newspapers often share health stories to try and engage their audience. I put the title of this story over an image as tabloid papers feature many images and are often eye-catching. I then included a fake celebrity story about the popular show 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here'. I included a celebrity story as the C2, D, E audiences of tabloid papers enjoy stories that feature 'gossip' so the paper I have created would appeal to them. I used a black background with white and yellow font to make this story stand out and when I conducted my research I found that the Daily Mirror often has this feature on their front page. I had the story feature two women as tabloid press often features stories about women in a negative, dramatized way. I then included a title for my main story of 'Election Execution' as the Daily Mirror often has a heading before their main story. I used the colour red as tabloid papers feature a lot of colour. I used an alliteration to make the story sound interesting and add the element of drama to it. My main headline is 'Boris: Butcher of Brexit'. This shows Boris in a negative way because the Daily Mirror is a left wing newspaper so will therefore show the conservative party in a negative light. I again used an alliteration to make the headline sound interesting to encourage the audience to pick up the paper. The headline is in a black bold font and takes up most of the page so there is little room for any copy as tabloid papers feature more pictures and big text than copy. I featured a subheading which added to the story and showed the labour party in a positive way- highlighting the Daily Mirror's left wing views. Next to this subheading is an image of Jeremy Corbyn looking smart and confident, which contrasts the main image of Boris Johnson that looks as if he is struggling. Underneath the image of Mr Johnson is a caption of the image followed by a little bit of copy. There is then a bold piece of text that says 'How will this affect you?' The use of having this question shows how the tabloid papers are concerned over human impacts and how each thing will affect the reader.

The broadsheet newspaper I decided to create is the Daily Telegraph. I used the traditional font to recreate the iconic masthead of this newspaper. I included two small stories at the top of the paper: one from Waitrose who is considered a high quality, high price supermarket so will appeal to the A,B,C1 audience of the broadsheet newspaper, and a story about Wimbledon which is a very prestigious British event which again will appeal to the high status audience. The headline of the paper is in a smaller, less bold text to the tabloid paper as Broadsheet headlines are clearer and take up less of the front cover. The headline uses language that highlights how broadsheets are 'event over emotion' and doesn't dramatize the story unlike the tabloid. Along with the language I have used in the headline, the smart image of Boris Johnson shows the conservative party in a good light- highlighting the right wing views of the Daily Telegraph. I included a lot of copy on the front page as broadsheet newspaper's include a lot if copy to appeal to the audience which often are very educated. I then included another story on the paper which again shows the story to be 'event over emotion'. I then included an advert for a luxury holiday which will appeal to the high status audience. I used little colour as broadsheet papers don't normally feature bright colours. I also didn't include many images as broadsheet front covers are more dominated by copy than images. 


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