The Big Issue lesson 4- 27th Jan

 Why might The Big Issue often use intertextuality?

  • 72% of readers are ABC1
  • 43% are AB
  • Reformers, explorers
The Big Issue may use intertextuality to appeal to their target audience who will have the cultural capital to understand these references. 

The Big Issue and politics

  • The Big Issue holds every politician to account no matter what party they are from. 
  • It is critical of politicians, big businesses, and banks in order to try and achieve their aim of social inclusion and ethical capitalism. 
Outside of mainstream media

The Big issue is a magazine that is outside of mainstream media. Because of this, it therefore shows different views and opinions to magazines found within the mainstream media as it has different ideologies. The intended purpose of the magazine is to help society and 'dismantle poverty' therefore this influences the type of content in produces within its magazines. This is different to mainstream magazines who usually are set up with the purpose to entertain and therefore have articles which feature content such as hairstyles, fitness tips and celebrity gossip.

In this front cover, Donal trump is being represented with his face as an ice-cream. The ice cream is melting which will be due to heat from the sun and this suggests global warming-something which Donald Trump said was not real. This along with the play on words 'Flake news' which is an ice-cream reference but also meant to be 'Fake news' suggests that The Big Issue believes that what Trump has said about global warming has been fake. To have him drawn in this cartoon manor, allows for him to not appear very professional and certainly not appear as one of the most powerful people in the world. This allows for the readers to not take him seriously and believe that he spreads fake news. The readership of The Big Issue will know about global warming and Mr Trump's views as they are well informed with current affairs.

Mental health issues are also being represented on the front cover but in a positive way as they are giving the readers tips on how their mental health can be improved. The Big Issue will have represented mental health in a positive way as everyone needs to look after their mental health- it is a societal issue and The BI wants to look after society.  


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