The Big Issue Lesson 2- 21st Jan

 What is the purpose of The Big Issue?

Mission: 'to dismantle poverty by creating opportunity, through self-help, social trading and business solutions.'

  • The Big Issue launched in 1991 in response to the growing number of rough sleepers in London. 
  • Vendors buy the magazine for £1.50 each and sell it on for £3. 
  • More than 200 million copies of the magazine have been sold and 92,000 people have sold it.
  • In the past 25 years, vendors have earned £5.5 million
  • They use the slogan 'A hand up, not a handout' to emphasise that its vendors are working to improve their lives rather than begging for money. 
The Big Issue has since set up other branches to its brand to help society further: 
  • Big Issue invest - Founded in 2005, Big Issue invests, helps the mission of dismantling poverty through creating opportunity by financing the growth of  sustainable social enterprises and charities across the UK. It currently manages or advises £150 million of social funds.
  • The Big Issue Foundation- Founded in 1995, the foundation is an independent charity which works with the Big Issue vendors, connecting them to vital support they need in order to rebuild their lives. 
  • The Big Issue shop- It's aim is to offer a platform for social trading that will make ethical and social shopping an accessible option for consumers. Every item sold on the site has a 'social echo' to it. This means that every time an item is purchased it will create a positive social outcome.
The Big Issue Winter Campaign 

Due to the third national lockdown, this means that vendors are unable to sell copies of The Big Issue to the general public on the streets. The Big Issue has therefore launched a campaign to try and raise money for vendors. It is asking for support in a number of ways: 
  • Purchasing a subscription from your closest vendor which will allow the vendor to get 50% off net proceeds.
  • Subscribe to the Big Issue online and the money will be used to support vendors.
  • Pay a one-off donation or sign up to a regular donation.
Content in The Big Issue

The Big Issue has campaigned on a number of issues such as: 
  • Anti-globalisation
  • High energy bills 
  • Campaigning for the living wage
In their content, The Big Issue often challenges stereotypes who are often reflected badly in society and changes this to show them in a good light. It also tends to challenge big businesses and powerful members of society. 

Front covers

  • Marcus Rashford has been in the public eye due to his campaign around free school meals and campaigning for people to still get them during lockdown and holidays. His campaign lead to this happening and was very inspirational, leading to him being acknowledged by the queen. 
  • When campaigning, Rashford reflected on his upbringing in poverty and discussed how challenging it was for him and his family. 
  • The use of Mr Rashford having links to a background in poverty as well as campaigning to provide an element for improving families lives, allows for him to fit with The Big Issues mission of 'dismantling poverty'. 
  • He wanted to improve people's lives- the same as The Big issue does. 
  • Rashford held the powerful to account when raising the issues around free school meals- the same as The Big Issue does when discussing topics. 
  • The use of the bright colours on the page along with him wearing white symbolises him to be a ray of hope and positivity just like the Big Issue.

  • David Tennant is well known for speaking about mental health issues in which he has faced.
  • In this cover, he is emphasising how important it is for people to be kinder during times of uncertainty. 
  • This allows for Mr Tennant to align with The Big Issue's values as they often focus on issues such as mental health and the impact that it has on people's lives.
  • The use of the bright colours on the page allows for a feeling of positivity to be created which suggests to the reader that Mr Tennant along with the creators of The Big Issue, believe that better things are coming. 

  • Eddie Izzard is a stand-up comedian. She is transgender and often talks about her journey and both of the positives and negatives along the way. 
  • The font cover represents Miss Izzard and her journey very positively as it shows her to be strong and powerful through the language choices and the use of bold colours on the page.
  • Miss Izzard will align with The Big Issue's values as The Big issue often represents people in society who are often not represented enough or are represented negatively. It often includes topics which have previously had stigma around them as The Big issue looks to break this stigma.


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