Minecraft- 25/01/21


Explain the impact of digitally convergent media platforms on video game production, distribution and consumption. (15)

Macro: The programming language used in game development can have an impact in how it is affected by platforms and its users. 

Micro: Minecraft utilized java which allowed for it to become digitally convergent and therefore allow for a wide audience to be targeted due to the game being available on a broad range of devices.

Class feedback for Micro: In the case of Minecraft, their initial audience was programmers, coders and developers. By embracing multiplatform technology like Java, Minecraft were able to extend their audience away from hardcore computer enthusiast, towards a broader gaming audience. Java allowed players to switch between consoles: from PC, to XBox to iOs, thus engaging a different type of gamer I.e. not one who is sat at a desktop, but who like to engage on the move. As a result of this successful software deployment, Microsoft bought Minecraft in 2014 for $2.5bn, and is the most successful game of all time.

Macro: The emergence of digitally convergent platforms brought about a huge surge in opportunities for synergy in the gaming industry. 

Micro: Since purchasing Minecraft for $2.5 billion in 2014, Microsoft has used its power and high status to synergise with many companies which has lead to it growing in popularity. For example, Microsoft have worked with Occulus to create a VR version of Minecraft which is available due to Minecraft being digitally convergent. This has allowed for the game to access another market and add to its audience. Microsoft was also able to synergise with 'Telltale games' to create Minecraft Story Mode. The use of these companies coming together allowed for the mode to be the best it could be which allowed for more audiences to be attracted to the game.


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