Opening to LFTVD question

 How do LFTVDs from different countries use genre conventions to target audiences? (30)

Long Form Television Dramas (LFTVDs) from different countries use genre conventions to target audiences as they aim to attract viewers in a way that will be entertaining and engaging. The genre conventions in which they use will depend on the size and demographics of their intended target audience. For example, Netflix has a mass audience due to it being available in 190 countries, this means that its LFTVDs are often polygeneric or genre hybrids in order to appeal to a wide range of people. Netflix uses vertical integration by producing some of its own content ('Netflix Originals') and due to it being an American firm, it produces many LFTVDs based in the US which means that many genre conventions in which it includes, reflect the lifestyle and values of US audiences in order to target them. The genre conventions in which it uses are still able to target a mass global audience as many well-known media products have been created in the US therefore audiences know of these genre conventions and have an appeal to them. Other producers such as DR have a niche audience as it is a Danish Pubic Broadcaster which means that it is only available to Danish citizens. This affects the genre conventions in which it uses as it only needs to try and appeal to its Danish target audience, which means that it will use genre conventions which reflect the lifestyle and values of  Danish citizens. However, due to DR having a smaller audience than Netflix, this means that it is able to take more risks in the genre conventions that it uses as if the audience don't appeal to the conventions used, it will only affect a small audience in comparison to the large mass audience of Netflix.


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