Newspaper question 3 PLAN

Explain how the political context in which papers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to The Guardian and the Daily Mail newspapers you have studied in your answer. (10)

The political context refers to the style of the market.

My Plan 

Intro:  MACRO. Explaining the influences of the ownership of the press. 

  • UK news industry an oligopoly
  • 80% of news industry dominated by 3 big organisations which 2 are controlled by media barons.
  • Because press controlled by so few people this affects the way they are produced and regulated as their are limited views shown. 

Para 1: Differences in ownership between the Daily Mail and The Guardian and therefore the differences in production (what actually goes into the papers). 

  • Daily Mail part of DMGT group ran by Lord Rothermere. 
  • DM owner and editor have a close relationship which can influence the production of stories and content. 
  • The paper needs to sell copies of the paper to make profit due to the capitalist nature of the market. 
  • The Guardian ran by  Scott Trust who's role is the administrate of the paper, they have no editorial say which provides editor more independence and can produce a more balanced type of journalism. 
  • TG any profit made is reinvested into the paper and doesn't go to any one person unlike DM.
  • Aim of Scott Trust is to uphold The Guardian's reputation for quality journalism. 

Para 2: Regulation- Leveson, IMPRESS, IPSO

  • Leveson enquiry found that there was too much political bias in newspapers- relationship between press and politicians were too close.
  • 2 organisations set up to regulate press: IPSO (Not Leveson compliant)  DM part of.
  • IMPRESS (used by smaller regional papers)
  • The Guardian is not part of either as it believed that both organisations had political influences which would harm the editorial of the paper. 
  • Instead The Guardian established its own regulatory body to hold The Guardian to account-  Scott Trust
  • Despite Leveson enquiry, there are still political leanings shown by newspapers. DM right wing (reference an example of them showing this bias) The Guardian left wing (reference an example of similar time showing this bias)

Conclusion: Summarising each paragraph

  • Relationship between political contexts and the production, ownership and regulation of newspapers is complex due to oligopoly industry. Content likely to be political because of the few people in control of the papers so limited views shown. 
  • The different structures of ownership of the papers means that their content is likely to differ due to their different news values ( DM make money - capitalism, TG show good quality news) 
  • Even after Leveson newspapers still politically bias which questions the use of UK legislation due to the political market of the newspapers. 


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