
Showing posts from May, 2020

Newspaper question 3 PLAN

Explain how the political context in which papers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to The Guardian and the Daily Mail newspapers you have studied in your answer. (10) The political context refers to the style of the market. My Plan  Intro:  MACRO. Explaining the influences of the ownership of the press.  UK news industry an oligopoly 80% of news industry dominated by 3 big organisations which 2 are controlled by media barons. Because press controlled by so few people this affects the way they are produced and regulated as their are limited views shown.  Para 1: Differences in ownership between the Daily Mail and The Guardian and therefore the differences in production (what actually goes into the papers).  Daily Mail part of DMGT group ran by Lord Rothermere.  DM owner and editor have a close relationship which can influence the production of stories and content.  The paper needs to sell copies of the paper to make profit due to the cap

LFTVD Question 3

' Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form TV dramas from different countries.' Discuss how and why audiences might respond to and interpret these representations differently. (30) In your answer you must: consider the contexts in which long form TV dramas are produced and consumed.  Explain how media contexts may have influenced different aspects of realism and audience response in The Killing and Stranger Things.  Make judgements and reach conclusions about the differences in realism of social, cultural and historical circumstances between the two set episodes.  Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form TV dramas from different countries, which results in audiences responding to and interpreting these representations differently. One producer and distributor of long form TV dramas is the company DR which is a Danish Public Service Broadcaster. During the time that DR created The Ki

News Question 3 Knowledge

Example of a question 3: Explain how the political context in which newspapers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to The Guardian and Daily Mail. (10) Tips This question focuses on the knowledge and understanding of contexts of newspaper production. There is no analysis needed such as media language of the paper- so you need to refer to the papers that you have studied.  These context questions can be either about social, cultural, political or economic contexts.  Industry info Market share The top three companies own 80% of the UK newspaper market- this is an oligopoly: Lord Rothermere (DMG media) owns: The mail, The daily mail, I, metro which generates £72.9 million and supports The conservatives and The Lib Dems  Reach PLC owns : The star,  Daily Express, Daily Mirror which generates £61 million and supports the conservatives and Labour.  Rupert Murdoch (News corporation) owns : The sun, The Sunday Times, The Times which generates

LFTVD question 3 assessment PLAN

'Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form TV dramas from different countries.' Discuss how and why audiences might respond to and interpret these representations differently. (30) In your answer you must: consider the contexts in which long form TV dramas are produced and consumed.  Explain how media contexts may have influenced different aspects of realism and audience response in The Killing and Stranger Things.  Make judgements and reach conclusions about the differences in realism of social, cultural and historical circumstances between the two set episodes.  My interpretation of the question: Events in LFTVD are represented differently depending on the country and audiences react to them differently, why is this?  MY PLAN Intro: Micro. Industry as a whole. Differences in DR and Netflix ans how this affects the different audiences that they have. Mass vs niche audience.  Social Context  The Killing- social

Question 3 LFTVD part 4

'The differences in the codes and conventions of LFTVD reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them' How far do you agree with this statement? (30) The differences in codes and conventions of long form TV drama reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them as the products need to ensure that audiences can identify themselves in aspects of the TV drama in order for them to be engaged with the product. Netflix has a large audience to entertain and engage therefore it has to include a range of shows that feature a range of codes and conventions to try and entertain their audiences in 190 countries. DR is a public service broadcaster in Denmark therefore it needs to contain codes and conventions that reflect the values, attitudes and beliefs of its audiences as people there need to pay a Danish license fee of £291 per household for the service to run. If the audiences don't identify with the val

Question 3 LFTVD question part 3

  'The differences in the codes and conventions of LFTVD reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them' How far do you agree with this statement? (30) The differences in codes and conventions of long form TV drama reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them as the products need to ensure that audiences can identify themselves in aspects of the TV drama in order for them to be engaged with the product. Netflix has a large audience to entertain and engage therefore it has to include a range of shows that feature a range of codes and conventions to try and entertain their audiences in 190 countries. DR is a public service broadcaster in Denmark therefore it needs to contain codes and conventions that reflect the values, attitudes and beliefs of its audiences as people there need to pay a Danish license fee of £291 per household for the service to run. If the audiences don't identify with the