Theorists for long form TV drama- Butler, Hesmondhalgh

Judith Butler-Gender Performativity

Key Ideas:

  • Believes that gender is constructed through what you do and that certain behaviours can make you feel more feminine or masculine. 
  • If you carry out these actions on a regular basis then they can construct your gender. 
  • For example, if you regularly put on makeup, you may feel more feminine as this is a typical feminine trait. 
Applies to Stranger Things 
  • Eleven mistaken for a boy because she hasn't be taught to act like a girl. 
  • Will gets called 'queer'.
  • Mrs Wheeler can be seen as more feminine due to her 'glamorous' look vs Joyce who doesn't appear as feminine due to her not 'glamorous' look or actions.
Applies to The Killing 
  • Differences between Sarah Lund vs Jan Meyer despite same job role e.g Lund takes down picture of son- mother, domestic vs Meyer puts up basketball hoop- typical male sport, not domesticated. 
  • Theis vs Pernille- he works-typical male trait and wife at home. 

David Hesmondhalgh-Cultural Industries 

Key Ideas:
  • Maximise profit by having the business vertically and horizontally integrated. 
  • Being clever about the release date for products will help to maximise profit.
  • Detailed marketing strategies can maximise profit as people will be able to repetitively see the product marketed so more likely to buy/consume the product.
  • Using technological convergence will allow for a wide amount of people to see your product and maximise profit.
  • Companies may copy other companies in the industry if they have been successful. E.g a company releases an action film that has done well so other companies do the same.
  • Industries rely upon repetition so they can sell formats to audiences.
Applies to Stranger Things 
  • Cast include Mathew Modine and Winona Ryder who are well known actors so have minimised their risk by using stars from successful products.
  • Used genres, intertextuality and typical character conventions from similar products. 
Applies to The Killing 
  • DR vertically and horizontally integrated. 


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