Question 3 LFTVD Part 1

Question 3 LFTVD
  • To achieve top marks, you need to include theories from at least 2 frameworks e.g audience and industry even if the question doesn't specify theory.
  • An in-depth study so need to know: all theorists, political, economic, social and historical contexts and how it fits into each framework (audience, industry, representation, language)
  • A01: 10 marks for demonstrating knowledge and understanding of contexts of media and their influence on media products and processes- what has happened to make these products available to the mass media?- is it the ownership, the industry e.t.c Why do these products exist? 
  • A02 split into 2 parts for 20 marks: Applying knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products, including in relation to their contexts and through the use of academic theories. Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to make judgements and draw conclusions. 
  • You need to make your argument clear 
EXAMPLE QUESTION: 'The differences in the codes and conventions of LFTVD reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them' How far do you agree with this statement? (30)

In your answer you must: 
  • Consider the contexts in which LFTVD are produced and consumed 
  • Explain how media contexts may have influenced the codes and conventions in the set episodes you have studied.
  • Refer to relevant academic ideas and arguments 
  • Make judgements and reach conclusions about the reasons for the differences in codes and conventions between the two episodes. 
  • Must plan this question
  • Think about what the question is trying to ask- maybe put the question in your own words e.g for above:  What are the differences between the two shows, and to what extent is this because of the audiences watching them? 
  • Start off with macro- The long form TV drama industry, Netflix vs Dr - private vs public
  • Audience differences- millennials vs older  ABC1
  • Ownership structures and differences (Industry)- formats, bingeablity vs weekly showings which are their viewers expectations.
  • Representations (incorporate media language)- Lund vs Meyer gender differences, kids vs adults, Denmark 2007 vs USA 1980.
  • Embed theorists in essay: Neale, Hesmondhalgh, Butler
  • Come to a conclusion 
The differences in codes and conventions of long form TV drama reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consumes them as the products need to ensure that audiences can identify themselves in aspects of the TV drama in order for them to be engaged with the product. Netflix has a large audience to entertain and engage therefore it has to include a range of shows that feature a range of codes and conventions to try and entertain their audiences in 190 countries. DR is a public service broadcaster in Denmark therefore it needs to contain codes and conventions that reflect the values, attitudes and beliefs of its audiences as people there need to pay a Danish license fee of £291 per household for the service to run. If the audiences don't identify with the values, attitudes and beliefs of programs produced by DR, they may not pay their license fee, meaning DR's funding will stop therefore showing that their codes and conventions are strongly reflected on its audience.With DR being a PSB, it has more requirements that it needs to fulfil in its codes and conventions than the private company Netflix, but arguably Netflix needs to work harder to ensure the codes and conventions it portrays can appeal to its mass global audience whilst DR has a niche audience of Denmark. 


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