Newspaper representation (2)

Source A- The sun

Negative representations- Harry and Meghan represented negatively as they are leaving the royal family to start a new life in Canada. The paper has shown this negatively by the language it has used such as 'Harry and Meghan have got their way'.

Positive representations- They are representing the queen positively as they are showing her to be understanding, she isn't happy that this event has happened but is going to accept it which shows her positively.

How is the audience positioned?- The audience is positioned to view Harry and Meghan as selfish as they are leaving the royal family and starting their own family. This allows the audience to feel sympathy for the Queen as she is being made to accept that her grandson is leaving.

Link to paper's ideology- The paper is right wing so it may show features of loving being British and wanting to retain old traditions such as the Royal family being in power so by Harry and Meghan going against traditional English views, the paper will represent them negatively.

Source B- The Daily Telegraph

Negative representations- Harry and Meghan represented negative as they are leaving the royal family 'without consulting the queen'.

Positive representations- The paper is representing the rest of the royal family positively as there is no language which makes the rest of the family sound as if they are doing anything wrong unlike Harry and Meghan.

How is the audience positioned?- The audience is positioned to view Harry and Meghan as inconsiderate and selfish as they are leaving to start their own life 'without consulting the queen'.

Link to paper's ideology-The paper is right wing so it may show features of loving being British and wanting to retain old traditions such as the Royal family being in power so by Harry and Meghan going against traditional English views, the paper will represent them negatively.

 Analyse the representations in sources A and B: Analyse part of question

Source A, The Telegraph constructs a sympathetic representation for the Royal family whilst portraying a negative representation of Harry and Meghan. The negative representation of the couple is constructed through the media language used. For example, the subheading of the story portrays the couple negatively as they 'step back from public roles without consulting the Queen'. The use of this subheading allows for the audience to feel as if Meghan and Harry have been very selfish and have had no concern for their family or for Britain as they haven't valued the opinion of the monarch of the country. This may upset a lot of the readership of The Telegraph as the dominant readership age is 61 so these people will have been brought up with British culture which the Royal family is part of and therefore they may not like how Meghan and Harry are changing this. The telegraph may have also represented the couple negatively as the political leaning of the paper is right wing so they may treasure old British heritage and be reluctant to change which Harry and Meghan are bringing therefore showing them negatively. 

Source B, The Sun constructs a negative representation of Harry and Meghan through the media language used. The headline is using language in a sarcastic tone through the use of sensationalised language- a key feature of tabloid papers. The use of 'no one is amused' is the paper attempting to represent how the whole country feels about Meghan and Harry leaving the royal family. The readership of the newspaper will feel negatively towards the couple's departure from the royal family as the dominant readership's political leaning is right-wing as this is what the paper's is. Due to the right wing leaning, this may mean that people are less likely to support the split from the royal family as it is change from British tradition.


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