Audience theorists- Bandura, Gerbner applied to ST&TK

Media Effects- Bandura
Key Ideas:

  • He carried out an experiment where adults and children were in a room together and the adult was told to play violently with a bobo doll whilst the child watched. The adult would leave the room and the child then acted volently towards the bobo doll. Bandura believed that children would copy behaviour that they saw, in particular violent behaviour.
  • He believes that the media can have a direct influence on the values and behaviours of audience members- thinks that we will copy the behaviour that we see in media products. 
Bandura applies to Stranger Things and The Killing

What violent or aggressive acts do we see in the first episodes of TK and ST? 


  • The lady from Hawkin's lab shoots the man in the dinner.
  • Eleven harms 2 men in the Hawkin's lab.
  • 2 boys are aggressive towards the Dustin, Lucas and Mike by calling them names and hitting them. 
  • Theis goes to Nanna's ex boyfriend's house to see if she's there and acts aggressive towards him by pinning him against a wall.
How have social networks influenced the people beyond the show itself?

Has a main social media profile for the show where it shows clips from the show, behind the scenes and exclusive images and videos of the cast which can influence people even if they haven't watched the show.

Has websites dedicated to talking about the show and fans can be influenced by what they read and by the ideas of other people when talking about the show. 

What behaviours are people likely to copy from the shows?


  • Young teenagers are likely to copy the way that the boys interact with each other- the good friendship but all not afraid to speak their mind and be honest with each other.
  • Teenage girls may copy the behaviour of Nancy with Steve as she keeps it quiet about him with her family but informs her best friend and this may be something that teenage girls also want to do.
  • Women may copy the confidence that Lund has as she is shown to not be fearful.
  • Adults may copy the relationship that Penille and Theis have as they seem to be very caring and loving for each other.
Cultivation Theory- Gerbner

Key Ideas:
  • The media repeats representations for people or groups and the effect of this builds up over time e.g the more times you see a representation the more you start to believe the group is like that in real life.
  • These representations then shape our dominant ideologies.
  • He found that heavy TV viewing led to 'mainstreaming'-  people having a common outlook on the world based on the images and labels on TV.
  • He found that people who watched a lot of TV were likely to have a more negative view of the world 'mean world syndrome' than people who didn't watch a lot of TV. 

Gerbner applies to Stranger Things and The Killing

What mainstream attitudes are presented in the shows?

  • That mothers and sons don't fully understand each other- Mike has been playing a game with his friends and his mother tells them its time to go but Mike asks for more time and reveals that they have been playing for 10 hours. His mother is shocked by this and refuses more time. This shows that she doesn't understand his interests and he doesn't understand that she is just trying to look after him. This misunderstanding is shown a lot in the media so is a mainstream attitude. 
  • Will is scared when a creature is coming for him and arms himself. Defending yourself is a common approach shown in media products which shows it is a mainstream attitude.
  • The stereotypical 'pretty girl' has romance. 
  • A girl with shaved hair is firstly assumed to be a boy. 
  • Lund is first shown to depend on her fiance- a common view in the media is that women depend on men, showing this to be a mainstream attitude.
  • There is corruption within the government.
  • A working mother can't be a good mother- this idea is presented in a lot of media products with the mum shown to be out of touch with their children or have little time for them. 


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