Purpose of music videos

Purpose of music videos
Michael Jackson- Thriller

Describe the star image or brand constructed for the artist. Include relevant info about the artist and their genre.
  • He is very creative as it is something very different to what other artists have done. 
  • He is unusual to other artists 
  • He enjoys creating media that will serve as entertainment

How does this video engage and entertain their audience?
  • It tells a full story in the video- it is like a short film
  • A good dance is included 
  • The strong use of makeup and wardrobe- everyone turns into zombies.

Does it explore big ideas and comment on society?
  • Explores beliefs  by society that monsters come out at night as during the day he is a normal human but then turns into a zombie.

Who is its core audience and how does it target them?
  • Anyone that likes the Gothic genre as it shows many conventions from this such as it being set late at night and monsters included.

What elements of this video would encourage an audience to share or like it?

  • How it is unusual to normal music videos through the use of it being like a full story
  • The dance that is included.


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