Heaven- Februaury half term task

This is a capture of Emeli during a performance shot. She is stood in a busy London street (Bethnal Green). The use of having her performing in a busy London street shows that she is just an ordinary person- she is still a member of society. She doesn't believe she is better than anyone else as if she did she would be performing in a studio alone. It also allows for her to portray her star image of wanting her music to be more focused on rather than her; she is in a basic location rather than a flashy, appealing location, whilst  singing powerfully which allows for the audience to take more notice of her singing rather than her appearance which is what she sets out for. The use of it being filmed in a busy London area shows that the lyrics she is singing to appal to everyone. The use of her showing  a part of London  allows for the people there to be able to connect to the video and identify with the lyrics she sings. Emeli was raised in Bethnal Green so by performing there it shows that she still identifies with her roots which relates to the meaning of the song 'Heaven'.
Emeli has her eyes closed whilst singing which symbolises that she feels deeply about the lyrics and is singing them passionately which shows her star image of wanting her music to be taken seriously. Emeli has makeup on and her hair done which shows she likes to take care of herself.
The use of Emeli wearing black clothing adds to her wish of not wanting to be sexualised as she isn't wearing flirty colours such as pink or red. The black is a binary opposite to her white hair which could symbolise her showing that there is good and bad with everyone as white has connotations of purity and black has connotations of evil. This message would link to the message portrayed in her song. The camera shot is a mid shot which again adds to her image of being shown for her music and not sexualised as you can't see her figure but instead are made to focus on her singing.

This is  a capture of a scene where a lady is walking down some stairs into darkness. The audience doesn't see the lady's face which suggests that she may represent multiple people and is objectified without an identity. The use of the lady wearing a red dress which has an open back creates sexual connotations. Red is normally associated with love and passion and the use of having her back exposed may suggest she is more of a risk taker creating the suggestion that she may be a prostitute. The lady is wearing black tights which is unusual when she is wearing an open back dress as the open back creates connotations of riskiness but the black tights creates a sense of safety as she is covering herself up. This contrast in clothing may show her inner conflict of doing the right thing and the wrong- which is what Emeli is singing about. The use of the lady wearing heels allows for her to appear feminine and create a sexualised impression as they are what women typically wear to make themselves appear more attractive. Her outfit is a binary opposite to what Emeli Sande is wearing during the video which suggests Emeli is representing the good in society whilst this lady is representing the more negative parts of society- which relates to the song with the message of good and bad. By Emeli having a woman in the video who represents the more negative side of society, shows that she is aware of what goes on and is not separate from society- she is still a normal person in society which helps the star image she wishing to achieve. The use of the high angle shot allows for the audience to appear superior to this lady which portrays her as low in society- showing patriarchy in society which Emeli is trying to talk about. This shot also allows for the lady to look vulnerable which makes the audience feel worried about her as where she is going is unknown . The lady is walking from the top of the stairs of daylight to the underground which is just darkness. Hell is believed to be underneath society whilst heaven is thought to be above so the use of the woman walking from normal society to underground creates the suggestion that she may be going to hell- again showing her to be a binary opposite of Emeli who is singing about Heaven. The colour red is also associated with Hell so the colour of her dress may not represent love and passion but blood and evil. There is a stream of light on the lady which creates religious imagery that God is trying to help her and offer her light but she is choosing to go into the darkness- she is choosing evil over good which is what Emeli sings about; everyone has a choice about whether or not they chose good or bad. The lighting is limited and the darkness is overpowering which could suggest that evil is more powerful than good- reinforcing Emeli's meaning of the song being that it is hard to stay good. 
This is a capture of a scene where a man is stood in the street looking up. By the man looking up it suggests that he is looking up to God for guidance which suggests he is struggling with life. By the man being stood in an ordinary street it shows him to just be an ordinary member of society. This shows that society is struggling and by Emeli including this man it shows that she still recognises ordinary society and is still part of it which shows her star image. It shows her knowing that there are struggles in society and wanting people to see this to help. The man has a rugged appearance with an unshaven beard and long hair with hints of grey in it. This shows that he is unable to maintain his self care which creates connotations that he may be homeless. By him having strands of hair on his face, it represents the lack of control he has over his own hair and society. Even though the man may be homeless, he is still looking up to God for guidance which shows he is still looking to be good, portraying that everyone has the ability to be good regardless of what they have went through which relates to the song Emeli is singing surrounding good and bad. The man is wearing a head scarf which may suggest he is respecting culture as it is thought that Jesus and he disciples wore scarves like this. The scarf is both red and white. Red normally has connotations of evil whilst white has connotations of purity. By both of these colours being in the scarf, it could show the conflict that the man has gone through of choosing between good and evil. The background is blurred and there is a strong focus on the man which allows the audience to focus on him and see that he is struggling. The camera has taken this shot as a close up. By using a close up on the side of the man it allows the audience to be seen as looking at society from the side lines- they need watch and review society. By the man not making eye contact with the camera it shows him to be vulnerable- he is not challenging the audience, he can't even bring himself to ask others for help he is just relying on God which suggests he has lost faith in society- allowing Emeli to show a big message about society.


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