Evolving Media- Minecraft

  • Sandbox game
  • Developed by Mojang 
  • Bought by Microsoft for 2.5 billion dollars in 2014
  • In 2014 was the second most searched thing on youtube
  • Users are able to do what they like
  • Concept of the ability to do anything is like traditional toy Lego
  • Word of mouth allowed the game to become big.
  • Fans become 'prosumers' by creating youtube videos about minecraft
  • Paratexts are anything that references or offers the customer a way into a key text
  • Key Texts for Minecraft are console trailers, character memorabilia e.t.c
  • The audience is a more active than passive audience as many youtube videos and blogs have been made about Minecraft.

  • 2009 Markus Perrson released an early version of Minecraft that he had developed in his spare time at home
  • Openness of minecraft has allowed it to become popular as people can do what they like on the game with little restrictions which is rare.
  • Perrson always wanted to be a game developer 
  • People would create videos of them playing Minecraft and people would watch and get interested in Minecraft which helped make the game big
  • Mojang is a company set up by Markus Perrson to develop Minecraft
  • Won lots of awards including 'Best downloadable game' 'Innovation award' and 'Best debut game' at 2011 International game festival
  • Minecraft broke all conventional game rules such as having instructions.
  • Mojang doesn't have many staff as Perrson wants to keep it manageable and intermit
  • Shaft Podcast is a group of men talking about Minecraft- showing their love for the game and also allowing the game free advertising.
  • Community is very important for Minecraft as this is what has allowed it to become big.
  • Big universal appeal over a large amount of people.
  • Thought of as a platform where people get to express their creative side and interact with new people


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