
Showing posts from March, 2021

Intertextuality- Burn The Witch- 03/03

 Intertextuality in Burn the Witch Radiohead are well known for using intertextuality within their videos.  Trumpton used to create the Village to appear as a perfect English Village. Represents Middle England- white, middle class place. Trumpton was teaching children community values. The creator said that there was no trouble in Trumpton- very unrealistic. Shows a mythical small town with views often shared by the Right Wing party.  The Wickerman 1973- used to show the darker sides to society and reflects the us vs them mindset. During the film the villagers think that they need to make a sacrifice for their crops to grow but the policeman is trying to tell them that it is due to the weather but the villagers won't listen. This reflects the stubbornness of believes in society- politics.  Lord of the Flies - During the film the boys kill a boar with a spear and leave its head on a spear as a trophy. The name of the pub 'The Speared Boar' in the music vid. This reference m

Music Videos lesson 4- 02/03/21

  Burn The Witch Messages within the video The injustice within society People being considered as outsiders in society- man inside a house and getting a red cross painted on his door.  Dangers of mob mentality - shown when all stood and setting the wickerman on fire Us vs Them mind set- The inspector coming into the village and the villagers turning on him The pressure to conform to the norm- The girl being targeted, then being made to join in The critique of western society's respond to the migrant crisis  How does media language construct narrative?  Todrov:  - Equilibrium- Villagers enjoying normal life  - Disequilibrium- The inspector arriving  - New Equilibrium- The Villagers thinking they have burnt the inspector  Star Image for Radiohead Socially conscious  Not afraid to speak out about injustice  With it being their 9th album, people already know them so they are able to share more of their messages rather than about themselves  Analyse one scene One of the scenes within B